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The Rest of God (video series)


Video Series

Product Description:

In the New Testament writers use the terms “Kingdom of God” or “Kingdom of Heaven” 20 times to describe the good news of Salvation. Yet when the message that Christ preached is compared to most contemporary Gospel messages the difference is like night and day, and I think this is one reason this country and culture is seeing such a decline in participation in mainline Protestant churches.

One message emphasizes a future salvation … you know .. you will have complete peace when you die if you do the right things until that time. The other invites people to enter the Kingdom of God, or the Rest of God NOW. With one you must wait to experience the blessing of the Kingdom or God’s Res, but according to the other the benefits of God’s Rest are available for you to enjoy this moment.

I think about God’s Rest all the time. I have a dear friend who is a strong Christian, has a vast knowledge of the Bible, and strong roots in mainline Protestant religion. Yet, when I shared with her that I was doing a video series on the Rest of God her remark was, “Oh good! I’ve always wondered what that meant.”

Perhaps you have the same interest as my friend, and if so, discovering the Rest of God and its relevance for you today will revolutionize your life. It’s a game changer. I hope this video series helps.

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